Financial Services

Turn regulatory compliance, competition from fintechs, a lagging customer experience, and increasing cyber threats into opportunities to bring AI-driven innovation into every part of your business. 

Rely on our data and AI solutions to ensure real-time visibility into your financial institution, be it flagging suspicious activity, assessing the risk of new financial products, or creating strategies for a personalized customer experience. 

Talk to our experts
  • Customer-Focused Sales & Marketing

    How do you stay agile and resilient in changing markets with growing solutions for customers' financial needs? Embed data analytics & ML capabilities into your marketing and sales products, processes, and strategies to build hyper-personalized experiences, prevent client churn, and predict future sales and revenue.

    • Next Best Action Recommendation
    • Demand and Revenue Forecasting
    • Dynamic Pricing Strategies
  • Effective Risk Management Processes

    Replace traditional fraud detection systems with ML models that identify and predict potential cyber threats, suspicious transactions or system vulnerabilities. Protect your financial institution and customers from evolving fraud techniques by performing investigations, audits, and risk assessments using AI to simulate market scenarios and screen for unusual behavior. 

    • Fraud Detection
    • Portfolio Risk Management
    • Anti-Money Laundering (AML) & Counter-Terrorist Financing (CTF)
  • Operational Efficiency & Compliance

    Use AI & ML solutions for accurate financial forecasting, automated regulatory compliance checks, and streamlined KYC procedures. With intelligent automation, you can create hassle-free onboarding experiences, cut costs related to manual tasks, and replicate efficiency gains throughout the organization.

    • Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
    • Automated Corporate Compliance Checks
    • KYC Compliance Onboarding Process

Pulling Growth Levers in Financial Services

Discover our ML solutions that help banking, insurance, payments, and wealth management institutions capture the true value of becoming data-driven.

  • Financial Fraud Detection 

    Use Machine Learning models to enhance fraud detection and prevention, staying one step ahead of evolving techniques and building customer trust.

  • KYC Onboarding Process

    Our advanced data analytics solutions simplify the customer onboarding process by verifying their identity, identifying and assessing potential risks, and flagging suspicious patterns.

  • Pricing Optimization

    Develop intelligent pricing strategies using advanced ML techniques to refine customer segmentation, monitor pricing data, analyze market insights, and forecast demand.

Ready to replace traditional systems with AI-powered operations?

Hear It From Our Customers

Learn about the transformative experiences of our customers and what it meant for their growth.

  • Panagiotis KostopoulosChief Technology Officer, CIM Bank

    Visium has successfully developed and put into production two major AI solutions for our operations. Due to the outstanding results obtained and their engineers' quality of work, we are continuing our collaboration with a multitude of Machine Learning projects in the upcoming year.

Explore Financial Services Insights

Ready to build your data-driven future?

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